About » Campus



Sponsored by the Ursuline Sisters of Louisville

A proud partner of Compassionate Louisville


Sacred Heart Preschool is located on the 48-acre Ursuline Campus, founded by the Ursuline Sisters in 1877. SHP is one of four schools that make up Sacred Heart Schools. The presence of Sacred Heart Academy (girls, grades 9-12), Sacred Heart Model School (coed, K-8), and Sacred Heart School for the Arts (coed, all ages) allow for unique and memorable shared activities throughout the school year.


Our Toddler Education Program is housed in Angela Hall. 1-2-year-old students play, explore and learn in a setting planned with their developmental needs in mind. The Preschool Education building, Salesia Hall, is designed for young children ages 3-5, and enhances both Montessori and International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years teaching and learning philosophies.

For a campus map, click here.

