COVID-19 and Spring Break Travel

The health and safety of your children are always our top concern. We will continue to monitor local, state and national partners regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Administrative teams are meeting on a daily basis to best prepare in the event of an extended school closure. Please note: there are no current plans to close based on current recommendations. As this situation evolves, we will continue to communicate with parents, faculty and staff as recommendations and practices change. Information will be communicated through the Sacred Heart Schools website, SwiftReach, REACH Alert, social media and local news stations.


Spring Break Travel

To help safeguard our school community, Sacred Heart Schools will follow CDC Travel Guidelines and advisories from our local health officials as they are updated. 

To slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) into the United States, travelers are being asked to stay home for a period of 14 days from the time they leave an area with widespread or ongoing community spread (Level 3 Travel Health Notice).

For families who plan to travel for spring break, we encourage you to be conscientious of the travel guidance being shared by the CDC. For information about Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) for travelers, visit

We respectfully ask families not to travel to restricted countries for spring break. If you or your family plan to travel to areas restricted by the CDC, you must report your travel plans to your head of school before you leave for break. You can do so by filling out this form

The CDC also offers guidance on Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and Cruise Ship Travel:

CDC recommends travelers, particularly those with underlying health issues, defer all cruise ship travel at this time. You must report cruise ship travel plans to your head of school before you leave for break. You can do so by filling out this form:

Due to our responsibility to our entire school community, Sacred Heart Schools reserves the right to ask a student to stay away from school and all school-related extracurriculars for a period of 14 days if the student has traveled to a restricted area or traveled by cruise ship during the COVID-19 outbreak. Sacred Heart Schools also reserves the right to request medical documentation that a student has been screened for the virus before returning to school.